Visit of An Unforgettable Day of Fez


A sightseeing trip of Fez will take you back in time …


Fez full day guided tour 

The historical center of Fez’s medina has been discovered. Architecture – Visits to the wild world and panoramas – Specialized museums The oldest part of Fez, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The metropolis is enclosed by a wall and is rich in historical monuments and buildings lined with slim, winding, busy lanes. It was founded as the kingdom’s capital by the Idrissi dynasty in the seventh century.

 Head to the local markets to buy traditional clothing, spices, and decorations, or enjoy daily life in the comfort of your local coffee shop.

Places to visit in Fez will carry you backward in history as you learn about the marvels of this wonderful city and the historic capital of Morocco. It’s notable for its Riads, Places, Museums, and Medersas, as well as its lively souks and craft shops.

Following up your trip to discover Talaa seghira Street, you are going to fascinate by the old jobs of the medina such as carpenters’ souk, wood museum, and the beautiful famous Nejjarine fountain.

You will admire the three archeological tourists of Fez, which is Tijani zaouïa, (the godfather of sufi’s leader),

 the Golden Triangle, which includes the ancient mausoleum of Moulay Idriss, and the Al-Qarawiyine Mosque (the oldest university in human history), created Fez’s spiritual nature. Later, you will visit a Seffarine (brass working area), then textile dyers, and tanneries before taking a walk through the Andalusian quarter, which is largely residential.

Fez full day guided tour

Cultural Activities in Fez 

The Carpenters Museum of Wood Arts and Industry, Fez 

Enjoy the architecture and antiques at the Muse Nejjarine, Be sure to see the handcrafted Berber paraphernalia on your visit, and head to the upstairs café for a great view of the city while sipping mint tea. Make El-Najjarine Museum of Wooden Arts and Crafts the highlight of your Fez trip, and discover other attractions to visit.

Fez full day guided tour

Berber currency, Fez 

At Coin Berber, a tiny group of boutiques specializing in Berbers and antiques from all around Morocco, browse among gorgeous antiques and feel the antiquities under your feet. Wooden chests, embroideries, 17th-century wooden doors, and 18th-century carved doors can be found in these old traditional establishments. This true cabinet of curiosities, with its vintage silk caftans and the aroma of bygone periods, houses famous Fez cobalt ceramics, pottery, copper items, and jewelry.

Fez full day guided tour

Abu Inania School, Fez 

The Bouanania School in Fez, which Sultan Abu Inan Al-Marini ordered to be built the Madrassa between 1350-1355, is considered one of the most famous schools in Fez and Morocco. It has a beautifully built and decorated silo as well as a water clock (status) whose operating technique is unknown. The place is undoubtedly a great value in the past. The difficulties of  inscriptions and fine details are revealed In the decor, A courtyard of medium size surrounded by all the rooms Closed and without entrance, as well as the second floor When you visit this teacher, you find yourself in the middle Patio takes some pictures and leaves

P.S. In addition to this, you may rent a car and have an exterior tour of Fez medina that takes you to the royal palace decorated entrance and the Jewish quarter both located at Fez El Jadid, then the panoramic view of the medina and finally a visit to the mosaics and pottery area.

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